First Timers

Come join us for a course preview the day before the Space Coast Triathlon!
Your USAT Certified Race Director will be holding a pre-race briefing on rules, swim, transitions, course overview and more. The briefing will be held at 1pm .
ALL Athletes are HIGHLY encouraged to attend one of the pre race briefings as there is new and important information about both the bike and run segments of the race.
First time triathlon tips and advice
Enjoy yourself – you worked hard for this day.
Get to the transition area at least an hour before the race. Lay out all your gear in an arrangement that will make it easy for you to get your equipment – hat, sunglasses, helmet, water bottle belt, etc.. – as you go from the swim to the bike and then from the bike to the run.
Practice what you will do in transition ahead of race day. This is the one part of a race where first timers really stand out from experienced triathletes. You can shave minutes off your race time by practicing how you will don equipment and move through the transition.
The swim is usually the most nerve-wracking for beginners and even most experienced triathletes. Stay to the outside or in the back. You may likely be kicked and pushed by other athletes so be prepared – it is part of the experience! Relax.
Be focused in transition between the various sports. Know where your bike rack is and, again, have your gear in an order that will make it easy for you.
Make sure your helmet is on and the strap attached before leaving transition. Do not mount your bike until you are out of the fenced transition area and are told it is okay to do so.
Be cognizant of others around you on the bike portion of the race. Always announce “coming up” or “on your left” as you pass other athletes and then get back into the right hand area of the road when it is safe to do so.
When going back into transition, dismount your bike when told to do so. DO NOT unsnap and remove your helmet until you are in the transition area.
Place your bike back in your rack and in front of your equipment.
Enjoy the run and acknowledge that you are about to be a triathlete.
Smile at the finish line! Hug your Family and Friends. They put up with a lot for you to achieve your goal!
Enjoy the post-race festivities and celebrate your day!